Dear baby, I hope someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straigh...

Dear baby,
I hope someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight.
They don't pull away, they don't look at your face, and they don't try to kiss you.
All they do is wrap you up in their arms and hold on tight without an ounce of selfishness in it.

by: Waitress, ‘You Matter to Me’
#poetry #photography #phosphenous

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  • nazaratanzila
    nazaratanzila 11 Februari 2021 pukul 13.35

    i hope so:')

  • allisini_
    allisini_ 11 Februari 2021 pukul 13.35


  • yaboylender
    yaboylender 11 Februari 2021 pukul 13.35 this is what i mean

  • piwdeepie
    piwdeepie 11 Februari 2021 pukul 13.35


  • calumiaa
    calumiaa 11 Februari 2021 pukul 13.35


  • bitterapplepie
    bitterapplepie 11 Februari 2021 pukul 13.35

    Ada yg tau id line phospenous ga ya? Please share dongggg. Abis hapus line jd ilang :'

  • neskabilla
    neskabilla 11 Februari 2021 pukul 13.35


  • moniq.ue_
    moniq.ue_ 11 Februari 2021 pukul 13.35


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