if you say you love me, will you mean it? i don’t want to be your second choice;...

if you say you love me, will you mean it? i don’t want to be your second choice; i don’t want to be a choice at all if it means you’re going to leave me in the end. how do i know for sure that i can trust that you will always be there for me? i’ve been let down before, countless times, and by now i’m no stranger to disappointment. it’s just become a reality. because i’m waiting for a love that will stay… a love that will not come and go and leave me wondering where things went wrong. i want the kind of love that comes with the effort and communication that will never make me feel unwanted. even if it’ll take time, i’m willing to wait… because a right love is so much better than a wrong one right in front of me.

by: c,
right from wrong
#poetry #photography #phosphenous

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  • kakalasyeu
    kakalasyeu 12 Februari 2021 pukul 00.28


  • cut.ghinaa
    cut.ghinaa 12 Februari 2021 pukul 00.28


  • cheeaudi
    cheeaudi 12 Februari 2021 pukul 00.28


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