We never talk anymore and my soul misses you. There is something missing; some...

We never talk anymore and my soul misses you.

There is something missing;

something has changed though neither of us talks about it.

We pretend and we are good at it.

I often wonder if you still love me at all or if I was just meant to be there in your heart for a brief space of time.

Love brief and intense as a falling star,

Love as fleeting as a bird’s song at twilight.

Beautiful, so beautiful but only for a short space of time.

Now you have forgotten all of that, I think.

Confused and lost, yet I dare not ask a question

whose answer might break my heart.

Because if your love was fleeting as a rainbow in the sky, mine is as eternal as the sun.

by: eve
#poetry #photography #phosphenous

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  • cut.ghinaa
    cut.ghinaa 12 Februari 2021 pukul 00.05

    Awwwww @thatsoputri

  • ig_ankit
    ig_ankit 12 Februari 2021 pukul 00.05

    You have an amazing strong Profile, Would you give me your thoughts on my last picture ?

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