I am a dead fish in a bay and I wonder if it's worth it to lie about being okay...

I am a dead fish in a bay
and I wonder if it's worth it
to lie about being okay with
people meaning more to me
than I do to them
all the fucking time.
I am a dead fish in a bay
full of wild dolphins—
unwanted, undesirable, unavoidable.
I am a dead fish in a bay
and I'm still a dead fish in a bucket
you waste money on—unusable.
I am a dead fish in a bay
until all the straws kill the turtles
and I'll still be a dead fish then—unlovable.
I am a dead fish in a bay;
not even a ghost or a zombie,
I'm just dead.
I am a dead fish in a bay
and you swim with merfolks
so pardon my whole being there still;
this dead fish knows you can
have better companies but
this dead fish hopes you won't
throw it away after all.
by: nzk, greener things.
#poetry #photography #phosphenous

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  • olyahelga.photography
    olyahelga.photography 11 Februari 2021 pukul 23.58


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