PRE-EVENT APUFY 2021 Best Conflict Resolution Ever: Bhineka Tungal Ika
Best Conflict Resolution Ever: Bhineka Tungal Ika by: Ikbar Al Asyari (Malang) Cultural diversity is often referred to as a problem and cau...
Best Conflict Resolution Ever: Bhineka Tungal Ika by: Ikbar Al Asyari (Malang) Cultural diversity is often referred to as a problem and cau...
POTENSI SUMBERDAYA PERIKANAN DI SUMATERA UTARA 1. Latar Belakang masalah Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara maritim dengan segala keungg...
"Baper" dalam Beragama oleh: Rekan Adib Hasani (Ketua PAC IPNU Kecamantan Kalidawir Kab. Tulungagung) Baper dalam Beragama (?) F...
The traditional house is a part of history and civilization identity, culture and community life Karo tribe. Architecture and ornaments on t...
There is no view of the outside of t he house interesting look at the legacy of the Netherlands in Lt. Suprapto No. 11, Medan, North Sumatra...
Among the commodities of plantations, coffee has become one of the mainstays of North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Well, for those of you wh...
For those of You who want to know the progress of Fashion Culture, Medan Fashion Culture Festival 2021, the right to be visited. This event ...
Memilih Kamera ? Bicara soal foto yang baik, gak akan bisa lepas dari kamera yang dipakai. Ada yang bilang, yang penting itu bukan alat (kam...