when I speak of you these days, I still do it fondly and people still wonder if ...

when I speak of you these days,
I still do it fondly and people still
wonder if we were ever anything
because they hear the affection
in my voice and they notice how
tense lines on my face turn soft.

I keep telling them about things
you don't like or about what you
do before you sleep each night.
they know exactly I remember
you pretty well. no, they think I
simply don't want to forget you.

I don't blame them for seeing
the truth I've been trying to hide
because I am here and you are
there with someone else so my
days are shameful and thus my
nights are full of prayers, for you.

but life doesn't end every night
nor when you're out of my sight.

so please,

let me keep you in my prayers
while I keep trying to let you go.

by: dzl and nzk,

#poetry #photography #phosphenous

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  • longlostpowerpuff
    longlostpowerpuff 13 Februari 2021 pukul 00.57

    fav wow

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